The period of breastfeeding is an important time for baby growth and development. So that nutritional intake needs more attention. There are several types of healthy food for nursing mothers that can be consumed to meet the nutritional needs of the baby.
Generally, nursing mothers need more nutritional intake, up to 500 calories, to ensure adequate milk products. However, not all nursing mothers need extra calories. This depends on the weight before pregnancy, weight gain during pregnancy and how active the mother's activities are.
Various Healthy Foods for Breastfeeding Mothers
Choose healthy foods with balanced nutritional patterns, and avoid losing excess weight during breastfeeding. Here are some types of healthy food for nursing mothers who are highly nutritious:Egg
As one source of protein, eggs are an easy choice for nursing mothers. If you want to add essential fatty acids to breast milk, then choose DHA-fortified eggs. You can eat boiled eggs or scrambled eggs for breakfast.
Salmon is one source of DHA for the development of the baby's nervous system. The level of DHA in breast milk depends on the type of food consumed by nursing mothers. In addition, DHA in salmon is also able to prevent postpartum depression. However, limit consumption of salmon to 12 ounces per week, to reduce the risk of infants exposed to mercury.
Brown rice
Brown rice contains more fiber and nutrients, so it can maintain a longer full feeling. This type of rice also will not make blood sugar levels rise dramatically after consuming it, when compared to white rice.
Green vegetable
Green vegetables like spinach and broccoli, low in calories and rich in vitamin A which is good for babies and nursing mothers. In addition, green vegetables are also rich in calcium, vitamin C, iron and antioxidants that help maintain heart health.
Breast milk with a high calcium content will help the development of the baby's bones. Milk is a good source of calcium. In addition, milk also contains vitamin D, protein, and vitamin B. Three cups of milk per day will meet the needs of nursing mothers. If you don't like milk, try eating yogurt that also contains lots of calcium and protein.
Dates are a sweet snack that is rich in calcium, which can encourage milk production. The fiber content is also very good for nursing mothers. In addition to dates, nursing mothers can also consume almonds as a source of calcium.
Citrus fruit is very suitable to increase the energy of nursing mothers because it has a high vitamin C content. Calcified fortified orange juice can be a nutritious beverage choice for nursing mothers.
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